About Sue

Create Clarity | Achieve Goals | Maximise Potential
Coaching will help you bring things into focus; provide perspective and create the opportunity for you to revaluate exactly what you want to achieve and the benefits of doing so.

I’ve has been working as an executive coach and leadership mentor since 2012. Prior to this, I held a senior contracting role for many years, leading a wonderful team and working collaboratively with external strategic partners to achieve shared aims and objectives.  My passion for helping others to maximise their success led to me being sponsored by a partner to undertake my very first coaching qualification. I subsequently took a huge leap of faith and began my training and development to become an executive coach and to live by my core values.

I provide personal and executive/leadership coaching to individuals and organisations from many walks of life, including the following sectors: Finance, Legal, Housing, Insurance, Health, Hospitality, Education and Charitable Trusts.  In 2017 I was the co-founder of a group -Women in Leadership, supporting women in their career and empowering them to believe in themselves.

I have been described as ‘company on the journey’. Sometimes, the route is easy to navigate, other times it can be a little harder – because that’s life!  Coaching has to be a team effort, and the testimonials I receive demonstrate what a great team we make.  

Why choose me?

Currently the coaching sector is not a regulated sector and therefore, you need to ensure that whoever you choose has the ability, skills, experience, and knowledge to deliver the service you need and deserve.

I am confident the qualifications, knowledge, skills, and memberships I have attained (listed below), will provide you with the coaching experience you require and deserve.

  • Post Graduate Diploma in Executive Coaching/Leadership Mentoring
  • Certified Neuro Linguistic Programmes Master Practitioner
  • Certified Practical MindfulnessTM Practitioner
  • Member of the Institute of Leadership and Management 2011
  • International Coaching Federation Membership in 2012
  • Mental Health First Aider
  • Enhanced DBS which is tracked and updated annually

I heard a quote today, that sums up Sue as a coach “Your arrival gives great pleasure, your departure makes us hungry for more” – what more can I say!!

Glen Waterhouse, Intensive Youth Mentor