Personal Coaching - Exploring Futures

Personal Coaching

Create Clarity | Achieve Goals | Maximise Potential

Personal coaching will help you bring things into focus; provide perspective and create the opportunity for you to evaluate exactly what you want to achieve and the benefits of doing so. 

Personal and professional coaching really do go hand in hand if something is not right in your personal life it will inevitably impact your professional life and vice versa. The one thing we can all be certain of is that change is a constant. How we respond will inevitably make a positive or negative difference in our lives and often the lives of others.

Like so many of my clients, past and present, you may want my help because:

  • You are stuck in a rut
  • You wish you had more confidence/ resilience
  • You are experiencing imposter syndrome
  • You need support with your career progression
  • You are returning to work following a career break
  • You are struggling with personal relationships
  • You have personal/professional aspirations and goals, but you just need some encouragement and support to help you achieve them

I firmly believe everyone is resourceful and I am confident that by combining your resources and mine, together we can get you from where you are now, to where you want to be.

I will provide you with a great opportunity to:

  • Explore and understand exactly what drives you
  • Identify the choices available to you
  • Tailor strategies and techniques to help you stay on track and add to your personal toolbox
  • Ultimately improve your overall quality of life

Testimonials from our clients

"I hadn’t even considered coaching, but a solicitor friend of the family recommended Sue. Since working with Sue, I have been able to make numerous positive changes in my life.  Sue’s coaching style is unique, and I wouldn’t be where I am now, without her support and encouragement."

D Bryant – Private and successful business client

"I knew I struggled with Imposter Syndrome, but I never realised to what extent it was impacting on my career. Sue has played an invaluable role in enabling me to secure my seat at the table. Thanks so much Sue!"

Solicitor within family law

"I would certainly recommend Sue to anyone who doubts their ability/worth. I have recently experienced a restructure which knocked my confidence so much I resigned myself to not being able to secure one of the posts. Then my partner recommended Sue.  With her help I was the highest scoring candidate and secured the job I really wanted"

JL – Private client
The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.Oprah Winfrey

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