Coaching for Students - Exploring Futures

Coaching for Students

Create Clarity | Achieve Goals | Maximise Potential

Student coaching provides a safe and confidential space for children and younger people to understand their world better, and to put systems and strategies in place to help maximise their success and mental wellbeing.

I have been coaching children and young people since 2014 and I am passionate about it. Confusing experiences, trauma, and changes in their environment can wreak havoc on the minds of children/young people because their brains are still developing and they won’t have the necessary skills to be able to filter experiences, set boundaries and make sense of their world. Let’s face it, adults often behave irrationally, and we have years of experience to call on!

Children are like sponges and given a safe and secure environment, they soak up the information given to them, which is why coaching is so beneficial and effective in supporting the emotional and physical wellbeing of children/young people. Often, children who are struggling emotionally will act out by:

  • Being disruptive in class
  • Becoming very withdrawn
  • Displaying the effects of anxiety and stress
  • Lacking concentration
  • Becoming aggressive quickly
  • Becoming overwhelmed and crying

When working with children/young people I use a variety of tried and tested games and techniques to enable me to enter their world and to help them identify and, more importantly, encourage them to share what they are actually thinking and feeling. 

From a young age, we have beliefs and values instilled upon us which impact on our behaviours, in both negative and positive ways. Think of their minds as a suitcase full of everyone else’s ideas, opinions etc.  It can often become a heavy load to carry and just because they carry it well, it doesn’t mean it gets any easier. 

The coaching experience I provide, gives children and young people a safe and confidential space to:

  • Have some ‘me’ time with their coach
  • Make sense of their world – their values and beliefs
  • Reflect and respond, rather than react to situations
  • Increase confidence levels, self esteem
  • Name and tame their emotions
  • Take ownership for the decisions they make
  • Increase levels of attention and achievement
  • Improve mental and physical wellbeing.

Testimonials from our clients

"I smile when I am in school now, instead of smiling when I am going home."

Year 12 student

"I couldn’t have got through the loss of my dad without having Sue to talk to every week"

Year 5 student

"I believe that having Sue as my coach has increased my confidence in myself and helped me to better myself. Sue has helped me to realise that my problems and worries can always be resolved."

Catherine – Age 17

What young people believe about themselves is more important in examining their behaviour than any facts about them.Dr Nick Long

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